Seven people apply for open Ocean Shores Council position

Applicants will be interviewed and make statements at the Sept. 24 City Council meeting

Seven people have applied for the open Ocean Shores City Council Position No. 7 seat being vacated by Diane Solem, who is stepping down effective Oct. 1 to become marketing director of the city-run Ocean Shores Convention Center.

It will be the third time this year that the City Council will interview and then choose someone to fill an open seat. Solem was selected by the council in April to fill the opening caused by the death of Robert Crumpacker, who was serving his second term after being elected in 2017. Jeff Daniel was chosen to fill the seat of Holly Plackett, who moved to Hawaii.

The applicants this time include three who have applied for one of the previous vacancies and four new to the process, which will conclude during the Sept. 24 regular City Council meeting. The applicants are as follows with excerpts from their application letters:

Frank Elduen: “Forty three years experience in the electrical construction industry has prepared me for this position. My work has required leadership, initiative, independent research, self-motivation and a wide range of skills. I have worked well with many different groups to successfully reach goals and complete projects.

“I am a conscientious person who works hard, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it. I’m eager to do what I can to improve life in Ocean Shores.”

David Linn: “Experienced real estate investment professional with over 25 years of experience in public and private markets on both the buy-side and the sell-side with hands-on experience in direct real estate valuations and investments. Significant direct experience in acquisitions/dispositions, asset/portfolio management, management of operating properties, resolving workout situations, coordinating new development and redevelopment projects and in negotiating and structuring complex financing transactions. … Supervised professional staffs ranging from three to eight people.”

“Testified before the Washington State House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on legislation concerning wolf recovery. Testified before the Washington State House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on legislation to eliminate net pen aquaculture. Testified before the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission on matters concerning wildlife protections.”

Eric Noble: General manager, Worldmark Wyndham Mariner Village; Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce treasurer (2016 to present); Ocean Shores Planning Commission member (2016-18).

“Dynamic, results-focused professional; background includes twenty plus years in the hospitality industry in complex organizational management and budgeting as well as over fifteen years in marketing and promotions. Offers proven abilities in reducing expenses and increasing productivity and customer service by streamlining operations and implementing efficient and effective systems. Highly knowledgeable regarding local, state, and federal government regulations.”

Cathey Peterson: Current president Ocean Shores Kiwanis Club (six-year member); vice-chair Ocean Shores Planning Commission (four-year mmber); past treasurer Friends of the Library; Ocean Shores Park Foundation; participant in two successful library levy campaigns; North Beach School District Truancy Board; classroom volunteer Ocean Shores Elementary.

“For the past seven years I have been an active member of the community through volunteerism and active participation in city events. I now think it is time to step up and be part of the decision-making process by joining the City Council.”

Ed Schroll: Full-time resident of Ocean Shores since 2012. “Bought property in 1999, built our house in 2008 and retired in 2012. I have been a board member of Associated Arts of Ocean Shores for six years and its president for almost five years where I have been working with our local schools supporting the arts. I have also been responsible for the AAOS Fine Arts Show and Art and Craft show at the Convention Center for the past five years and been a volunteer at our Ocean Shores food bank since retiring in 2012, been an active volunteer at our local radio station (KOSW) and run a nonprofit organization providing clean water and education to the poorest of poor in Cambodia since 2011.”

“I am a grateful resident of Ocean Shores and I share in the issues facing our friends and families here at the shores. While working at the food bank I have met our clients and see their struggles. I do not have all of the answers however, I am willing to listen and go to work for our Ocean Shores residents.”

Kathryn Sprigg: “For the third time in less than six months, you are conducting a search for a council member. Again, I am asking for your consideration as a council member to fill the seat.”

“I have a proven track record of collaboration and cooperation and I can bring those skills to the City Council. You have seen me at City Council meetings regularly for the past two years. You know how committed I am to this community and how much I love it. I am always prepared to think critically about challenges that our town faces and I know I can contribute to the Council’s decision making processes in a positive manner.”

• Richard Wills: “My whole adult life has been in service to the public: military career, fitness instructor, computer consultant and dBase programmer, Emergency Medical Technician for the city of El Paso, and currently serving on the Ocean Shores Planning Commission and the Fresh Waterways non-profit corporation.”

“I feel that appointing an honest, ethical, fair, just, nurturing, inclusive mentality to the local government somehow will have a small ripple effect on the national scene. I strongly agree with Abraham Lincoln who said, ‘Government of the People, by the People and for the People.’”

At the Sept. 24 meeting, each applicant will have three minutes to make an opening statement, followed by a set of questions from Council members. The questions are the same for every applicant.

When all available have spoken on Sept. 24, the mayor will recess into executive session, where the Council will discuss qualifications until the mayor reconvenes the meeting.

A Council member may make a motion to name one of the applicants. If a member seconds the motion, the Council will vote. The mayor may break any tie vote.