New Harbor-wide calendar to view or post events

Grays Harbor News Group provides new service for subscribers

Want to know what’s going on this weekend on Grays Harbor? Or next month?

The Grays Harbor News Group (which includes The Daily World, The Vidette, The North Coast News and the South Beach Bulletin) is launching an online calendar for readers to access information on events in the county.

Not only can you access information, you can post information about your own events.

“Users will be able to search through events either in their neighborhood or across the county,” Michael Lang, editor for The Vidette, said. “This will be a tool that will help readers plan for trips to the coast or a night out.”

It’s simple to use, Lang said, with drop-down menus for selecting target audiences, activities or locations.

Nonprofit organizations and local groups can post events to get the news out to Harborites and visitors to the area.

Categories for events include arts and entertainment, classes, festivals, food, schools, and other listings. Events can be marked for an audience of kids, teens, singles, moms, seniors, etc.

There will be listings for every community in Grays Harbor and northern Pacific County, from Quinault to Menlo and McCleary to the coast.

A post to any of the Grays Harbor News Group papers will show up in all online calendars. To post an event, go to,, or

To find the calendar on our websites, use the pull down menu in the top left of our homepages and look for the calendar option.